Explore our sustainability research and find out how we're becoming a more sustainable business

Discover the research we publish on sustainability and climate change through blog articles, our featured journals and open-access books, and our collections.
You can also find out how we're becoming a more sustainable, positive-impact business, and how we connect the communities we serve with the knowledge to do the same.
Featured blog articles
The local impacts of wind farms
Misunderstandings about the impacts of wind power could be stunting its growth. This article highlights the potential advantages and disadvantages of wind farms on communities.
Is artificial intelligence bad for the environment?
Artificial intelligence benefits the environment in countless ways. But AI and its associated infrastructure can have negative direct and indirect impacts on the environment too.
10 essential open access (OA) books on climate change
Discover 10 open access books about climate change to read, download, and share freely.
They examine everything from the impact of a changing climate on women to how to build towns and cities that are more resilient to extreme weather events.
Sustainable transport in cities
Despite some changes to our travel habits because of the COVID-19 pandemic, mobility is still a major problem in urban areas.
In this article, we look at what sustainable transportation is and why it's more than just "green" technology. We also highlight steps that cities should take to implement sustainable transport systems – including how residents can help speed up the transition.
More blog articles
- Geoinformatics: How researchers use big earth data to solve Earth's big issues
- Energy security in uncertain times
- How climate change could affect the future of the FIFA World Cup
- Climate change and the Global South at COP27
- Implementing behavioral change in the fight against climate change
- How can policy makers be globally inclusive when it comes to sustainability?
- Amplifying knowledge to improve real-world outcomes: Meet Hennie Thomson and Jillian Morrison
Featured open-access journal articles
1 August 2023
Does green accounting influence ecological sustainability? Evidence from a developing economy
by Ishmael Wiredu, Andrew Osei Agyemang, and Samuel Yayra Agbadzidah in Cogent Business & Management
This study of pharmaceutical companies in Ghana highlights the impact of green accounting on greenhouse gases and wastewater.
26 June 2023
"Sustainability is not a vegan coffee shop." Eliciting citizen attitudes and perspectives to localize the UN sustainable development goals
by Jessica L. Fuller et al. in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Using Q-methodology, this study gathers local perspectives on the legislative process for coastal planning in Norway.
18 May 2023
An answer to everything? Four framings of girls' schooling and gender equality in education
by Elaine Unterhalter in Comparative Education
Through examining four key ideas, this paper develops the discussion regarding girls' education and gender equality and the methods in comparative education.
16 April 2023
Do green technological innovation, financial development, economic policy uncertainty, and institutional quality matter for environmental sustainability?
by Kishwar Ali in All Earth
This research investigates the influence of economic policy uncertainty and financial development on carbon emissions and green technological innovation.
9 March 2023
Research on the carbon emission reduction effects of green finance in the context of environment regulations
by Ziyu Zhang et al. in Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja
This article highlights the impact of environmental policy and regulation in China. It addresses topics such as green finance.
26 January 2023
Educating children as sustainable citizen-consumers: A qualitative content analysis of sustainability education resources
by Kathryn Wheeler in Journal of Moral Education
This paper explores the sustainability and climate change education of children aged 7-11 in the U.K., sampling learning resources from public, private, and third-sector organizations.
Featured books
Happiness, Well-being and Sustainability: A Course in Systems Change
by Laura Musikanski, Rhonda Phillips, James Bradbury, John de Graaf, and Clinton Bliss
This open-access book covers the connections between personal happiness and sustainable social change, providing a guide that highlights subjects such as human needs, ecological sustainability, and public policy.
Gender and Finance: Addressing Inequality in the Financial Services Industry
by Magdalena Bexell and Kristina Jönsson
Gender has impacted various facets of society, notably in finance, where women have been historically excluded from the sector. Gender and Finance details the concerns of women's exclusion from the finance industry.
Carbon Risk and Green Finance
by Aaron Ezroj
Carbon Risk and Green Finance highlights the scope of analytical tool supporting efforts to address carbon risks and identify green finance opportunities.
F1000 Climate Action Gateway - supporting the rapid and transparent sharing of climate change research
The F1000 Climate Action Gateway brings together all content published on F1000Research related to climate change, its causes, impacts, and potential solutions; making the information rapidly and openly accessible for others to consult and use, thus supporting the development of effective scientific, policy, economic, social and behavioral responses.
The range of article types offered by F1000Research can be very helpful to researchers publishing climate science and related research, as well as relevant behavioral and social sciences.
Sustainable Development Goals Online
A curated interdisciplinary collection of over 18,600 book chapters, journal articles, and teaching and learning materials mapped to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The action we're taking
Gold Class for corporate sustainability
Our parent company Informa has been included in the 2022 S&P Global Yearbook, with a Gold Class award for the first time.
This means we've scored within the top 15% in our industry for corporate sustainability and achieved an S&P Global ESG (environmental, social, and governance) score within 30% of the industry’s top-performing company.
S&P awards Gold Class to companies with a minimum total score of 60 and ...whose score is within 1% of the top-performing company’s score in their industry. Our score in 2022 was 78.
Read our 2021 sustainability report (PDF)
SDG Publishers Compact at Taylor & Francis one year in
A Q&A with Catherine Hodgson, Sustainability Manager, Taylor & Francis
The UN Sustainable Development Goals Publishers Compact is a pledge which features 10 action points to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
We sat down with our first-ever Sustainability Manager at Taylor & Francis, Catherine Hodgson, to ask her about her work with the Publishers Compact in 2021. We discussed how the organization has progressed with its work towards fulfilling the compact since January and asked her what the next steps were as we head into the final months of 2021.
Taylor & Francis achieves CarbonNeutral® publication certification
We're proud to achieve CarbonNeutral® publication certification from Natural Capital Partners, the leading experts on carbon neutrality and climate finance, in line with The CarbonNeutral® Protocol.
This certification is for all 2021 and 2022 print book and journals. This follows our accelerated progress in reducing carbon emissions from our product supply chain and our purchase of high-quality, third-party-verified carbon credits for the remaining emissions that cannot yet be avoided.
This includes:
- Increasing the use of print-on-demand services to better match production with demand and reduce physical stock levels
- Donating unused book stock to BookAid and Amnesty International, avoiding waste and contributing to the wider sharing of knowledge
- Implementing a program to remove plastic packaging from printed journals, which now covers nearly 75% of products
Making progress with FasterForward
Our sustainability program FasterForward, includes a range of ambitious activities between 2020 and 2025 that will ensure we become an ever more sustainable, positive impact business.
Sustainability inside commitments
Embedding sustainability inside our products to help our customers advance sustainable development in their areas of expertise:
- Embed sustainability inside 100% of our products by 2025
- Help and promote the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through our content
Faster to zero commitments
Moving faster to become a zero waste and net zero carbon business.:
- Become carbon neutral across our products by 2025
- Halve the waste generated through our products by 2025
- Become zero waste and net zero carbon by 2030 or earlier
Impact multiplier commitments
Multiplying the positive impact we can create when we improve access to knowledge, helps people connect more efficiently and invest in our communities:
- Enable 1 million disconnected people to access networks and knowledge by 2025
- Contribute value of at least 1% of profit before tax to community groups by 2025
- Save customers more carbon than we emit by 2025
Reducing plastic with paperwrap
Taylor & Francis has taken a significant step in reducing unnecessary plastic use with the introduction of paperwrap for journal print copies mailed in the U.K.
We spent several months investigating how paperwrap might be applied to journal print runs. Unlike paper envelopes, which can often be torn in transit, paperwrapped journals consistently reached their intended recipient with little or no damage.
Paperwrap is replacing all other packaging for almost all U.K. journal mailings. The materials used in paperwrap come from sustainable sources.
Find out more about how we're becoming a more sustainable business
Building a more sustainable supply chain and reducing our absolute carbon emissions are important priorities for us, and this certification reflects continuous improvements made over several years.
Meet the people working for sustainability at Taylor & Francis
In this video, find out why our employees Catherine Hodgson, Anindita Pandey, Irma Britton, Rebecca Nobes, and Rebecca Marsh are so passionate about conservation and the environment, and how their interests and life experiences have shaped their work.
Initiatives we're supporting
Publishing Declares
Publishing Declares is a five-point pledge designed to raise awareness of the sustainability issues most relevant to the publishing industry to aid the discovery of existing tools and resources and to inspire action that results in sustained behavior change.
As a founding signatory, we are collaborating with the publishing industry to achieve 5 commitments:
- Join the global climate effort to limit warming to 1.5°C by setting ambitious, measurable targets across our own operations and extended supply chain to achieve net zero as soon as possible and by 2050 at the latest.
- Protect nature and biodiversity, working with supply chain partners that are resource-efficient, use sustainable materials and processes wherever possible in the content we produce, and constantly innovating to make use of new and recycled materials.
- Collaborate with our peers, authors, illustrators, supply chain partners, and business partners to translate our climate aspirations and commitments into tangible actions to safeguard our planet for future generations.
- Empower our colleagues to become climate literate and support them to bring that knowledge into the work that they do.
- Use our expertise, platform, and voice to raise awareness and drive positive climate action wherever we can.
The pledge is the first project in an ongoing scheme of work that will also include a report, carbon calculator, and a materials index.
Business for Societal Impact (B4SI)
We're a member of the Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) Network, a forum that helps organizations measure and manage their social impact.
Our social initiatives include accessibility partnerships, open access publishing support for researchers in low-income countries, and a scheme that gives readers in the Global South free access to journal articles.
B4SI's Framework allows us to analyze activities like these, benchmark them against the community investment of other companies, and multiply our community impact.
As part of Evidence Week 2021, Dr Joanna Depledge, Senior Editorial Advisor on the journal Climate Policy, explains the link between public acceptance and the successfulness of climate policies.
Evidence Week 2021 – the basis of public support for climate policies
We participated in Evidence Week 2021 in the UK parliament to advocate an evidence-based approach to policy formation.
Organized by Sense about Science, this event offered the chance for researchers, community groups, and parliamentarians to communicate and discuss ideas surrounding science, evidence, and policy. This helped MPs to gain the tools needed to better scrutinize scientific evidence for policymaking.
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